Paired Stimulus Preference Assessment

Posted in: Behavior Assessments – Diagnostic

The success of reinforcement-based interventions is dependent upon an educator’s ability to determine reinforcing stimuli that function as powerful rewards/consequences. Class-wide rewards might not be rewarding for all students, especially those who are at an increased risk for maladaptive academic and social behaviors. The application of preferred stimuli can serve as a powerful reward that increase a student’s success of adopting appropriate alternative academic and social behaviors. Paired stimulus (PS) preference assessment is a no cost diagnostic tool that generates a ranked order list of preferences for a specific individual. PS assessments allow the student to rank stimuli that are most preferred among an array of options. Various stimuli can be utilized as choices in the preference assessment including: tangibles, opportunities for attention, and preferred activities. Choices can be presented in verbal, pictorial or written formats.

EBA Brief for Choice-Based Stimulus Preference Assessment Paired Stimulus Preference Assessment (PS)

Paired Stimulus Preference Assessment Form