Interspersing Easier Problems in Drill Practices

Research indicates that problem completion within an activity is in itself a reinforcing event. Interspersing easier problems during drill activities increases completion rates and enjoyment of activity. Full Intervention Brief: Interspersing Easier Problems Modeling Videos: Video 1 Evidence Brief: Interspersing Easier Problems EB  

Mystery Motivator

Motivating students to do certain tasks may be difficult. The mystery component in this intervention is based on offering an unknown reinforcer. The mystery will engage students in the academic task, even when the task is difficult. Full Intervention Brief: Mystery Motivator Modeling Videos: Video 1, Video 2, Video 3 Evidence Brief: Mystery Motivator EB  

Classwide Antecedent Modifications

The context of the environment in which behaviors occur is not usually considered when analyzing a child’s behavior. Instead, more attention is typically given to the consequences following that particular behavior (especially when it is a disruptive behavior being analyzed). While consequences of behaviors matter, what occurred BEFORE the problem behavior should also be considered […]